Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Parts Shortages and Higher Prices

Based on this report from Reuters and by Honda Motor Co. They say they will suspend all production in Japan at least until March 20 on the heels of Friday’s catastrophic earthquake.
Honda kept all its factories closed today, saved one motorcycle plant on the southern island of Kyushu, though Reuters reports that it will be closed too after tomorrow.
Meanwhile, the firm said in a statement that it would "fully cooperate" with rolling blackouts imposed by Tokyo Electric Power.

I've had some discussion with some of the importers dealing with Japan and initially the feed back is... delivery is going to be delayed and the pricing has escalated by 50%. The cost for the Japanese manufacturerers to do business is going to be expensive due to electric, fuel and transportation cost. We should get prepared because inventories will shrink and demand increase which will drive the prices upward.
Ken Varoli Sr.

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